Istiklal Library Co. can offer a variety of its unique products at wholesale prices. If you are interested in carrying Istiklal Library Co.'s products in your retail store, online shop, or just want to buy in bulk, or if you would like to learn more about our wholesale program, please fill out the wholesale inquiry form below, writing which product(s) you are interested in ordering at wholesale prices.
Istiklal Library Co. is your expert partner in providing the best quality of goods there is, a huge variety of our products are designed and made by us or our trusted partners, and are stocked in high end boutiques, shops and retailers through out Jordan. If you are a new retailer or an existing one please submit your contact details here and we will be in touch very soon.
If you have any questions or if you need any assistance, please fill in the form below, or email us directly at info@istiklallibrary.com or call us and we will be happy to help.